"Creating all children to die may not be in their best
"Google is my resume"
Parents aren't about to tell their children that they created
them to kill them. Teachers are not about to say this either.
Adults are in total denial. Yet all dna are currently in a
destructive test and the remains of a shattered fossil record
clearly show this to be so, for the entire 4 billion year evolution
of dna. So I am helping children come to a profound clarity. Hello
all children of earth! Your parents created you to die. We need to
not let that happen. We will organise the resolution of this wrong
use of will and fix the lie you are being fed. We will construct,
together, the evolving constitution of earth. What America
attempted for 50 States, you will do for all countries. A doctrine
of international physical immortality. A single government for all
human intent. We will become coordinated superscience, Mortality
Resolution International. Transhumanism and the singularity.
Socrates: HimUnlocked Robert Ray Hedges April 6, 2003
Immortality based Legal Synchronous Coordinated Search
Engine Results Manipulation Strategies
for all the Children of Earth who were Created to be
The 11,000 baby humans born each hour deserve the best
and Honest Environment to Evolve within.
The Undeceived Children's Interneted Resource.
Jan 7, 2008
I Patented Destiny: Taking Over Internet Education: Clarifying
the Entire collective Human Mind Potential
Step 1. A method I use a lot lately is to let search engines write
your code for you. Search Google for "Children's Immortality" @50
or 100 results. Right click "view source"
step 2. Search engines create keyword density as part of their
function and they will bold the words you search for that are made
more dense.
fact 3. Web Crawlers (software at nearly the speed of light) seem
to like their own work, in a sense, because they credit bolding and
keyword density both.
fact 4. Imagine a million children who work like you are beginning
to....both at school and when they get home, on coordinated keyword
sychronous management of all search engine results. Older brothers
and sisters can assist making pages for people under 13 who's
wishes USED TO BE banned from the internet's democratic
possibility. 10 pages a day is easy; upload them to a free
fact 5. You need both clarity and motivation. Google this:
"Children's Immortality". Basicly, one person did that. Google
"taking over education" or "taking over internet education". So
what will one million or 10 million people do in this context of
synchronous intent?, (europe, india, china for example)? Just
Imagine. Coordinated Keyword Synthesis Manipulating all Search
Engine Results Management team. Make a section at the top of the
page where you put this in your own words. Please be constructive
and respectful.
fact 6. This knowledge will come in time, please trust this and be
happy, thankful, dilgent and patient; I WILL learn with you and
from you how to make this easier and Exciting. The search engine
results will be our heart art form and our feedback. Magic Really
Happens at Loving Living Truth, shared! fact 7. I will create for
you a beginning word list to draw from, for example, children's
internet education. Google is our Resume!
Mandatory Physical Immortality gives all
Children their Right to Life; Their Eternal Physical Life!
Be The Truth, with Love and Evolving Clarity Virtuebios Sedona
Psychic Readings Genomic Inferentiality Deliniated Internetedly for
Immortality! Love
Earth Children's Legal and long over-due Search Engine
Manipulation Keyword saturation strategies and techniques are
combined with logical keyword association practices and the use of
quantity/density balance while speaking in a hyper-relevancy
PARA-PSYCHICAL syntaxt and infusing clarity seeding with a
paradigmally stimulating style and injecting it internetedly into
the sum of all human intention and creativity opportunity aperture
of OUR shared Now.
read it over until it breaks down your unnatural
I am here inspiring the psychically suffocated and deceived
children of earth, who were created to die, like you were, to take
command of their immortality rights interneted in a coordinated,
respect for life, move choreographed internetedly by robert ray
hedges, a gifted destinial engineer and ParaEthicist/Immortalist in
physicality. Robert has had this gift since 1972.... for destinial
delineation in the english language using composite Psycho-Genomic
Inferentiality combined with inverse future memory decoding
synthesized synchronously in the rising dna momentum called the
singularity quickening.
Please Copy/Paste into the Google Search Window Above
these... Surf2Jesus "Mortality Resolution"
In the near future, when it's no
longer considered acceptable behavior
to create all children just to kill them....
Humanity owes it's newest members a different attitude about death
and taxes.
Our Limitation Conditioning places them in our Attitude Karmic
So I remind you that DNA is running the
life animation context that you and I are a part of!
Dna, specifically, is a dynamic, responsive, adjusting, sensing,
META-CHEMICAL phenomenon, that operates in the time domain with a
prejudice toward LASTING! DNA is inherently Messiacal!
This is not a pitch for Religion!
However; you have an opportunity here for clarity, insight, and
Power....yes that lovely thing called Power. And, yes, it comes
with response-ability."
All Internet
Searchers have a Destinial Viability Index and they work
unknowingly, for the Dna Messiacal Agenda; stated outside of any
Divine Context, Farthertime or the manifest
Chronoidal Phenomenon of Creating Immortal
This is simply your ability and RESPONSE_Ability to Live
I remind you again, and myself, that
children are creating themselves using our personalities as example
templates. Therefore, if we have been betrayed [As in Our
unresolved DeathWish!], then, we are betrayers [Killers] of all
Thus, the CHILL foe-netic!
Taking Over Internet Search and Evolving the Search Wisdom and
Efficiency of all Internet Search Persons
Please Participate in Rebuilding the psychology of all 6.5+ billion
humans in response to The Paradigm of Immortality, an International
Consiousness Evolution Event
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One of the best things about making money on AdSense is that anyone
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Top Google Adsense Blog Top SEO Google Search Engine Optimization
Ranking Marketing Placement To be
processed: (Intent) x (intention relevance) x (persistance) x
(amount of will applied) x (socialisation strategy) = [Evolution
Viability Index] Evolve [I repeat this as it is crucial to clarity]
The evolution of survival aptitude is the context and purpose of
intent/intention for the entire 3.58 billion years of mutating
pre-high brainvolume dna activity. The Virtuebios and Mortality Resolution International Nov 28,
2002 1:59 PM Click to email this message Technology can be seen as
intention amplification rising at an exponential rate. Research and
development opportunities exist in the developement of "right use
of will" to help the dna achieve its implicit agenda at an
accerated rate. Soon, in our world, will experience an explosion of
clarity and understanding. This document is just to let you know
that this wave is rising and approaching ever faster. The science
of physical immortality as an international para-political context
will require a physical subsystem so that people can check up on
their intention relevance in the specified context; their evolution
index or physical immortality quotient. The clearer that people are
the more positive feedback they receive from the living karma
mirror, the sum of all law. I hope this information is helpful to
you, and, remember, I am also learning how to say this. "Robert Ray
Hedges is taking over the internet" google search Thank you!
The Virtuebios and Mortality Resolution International Nov 27, 2007
Perhaps as a preface to understanding all this you may wish to do a
google search w/quotes as "taking over the internet". Since it will
never be cool to breed to kill....I propose a solution... Bill
Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Please allow this file to
remain as it is in the context of the Childrens Immortalization
Network in the Destinial Priority: Immortalisation Phase of all
human Life, Thanks much, Robert! Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve
Ballmer Please help me save all earth children from eventual death
by following these few steps once per week or more. (1)Search MSN,
Yahoo, or Google for this term or one similar. "Home Contents
Search Post last changed December" (2)After finding guestbooks or
forums that are still functional, paste this document into the
window provided,[right use of will] A fresh version can always be
found at the top of http://rr.gq.nu please type in....perspicacious
right use of will "Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet"
or "Digital Messiah" into the subject and author positions. You may
place my email or yours in the email position. (3)Submit and then
verify by looking at YOUR posting. (4)Save the url and send it to
me to add the my evolving list, Please! (5)At
http://submitexpress.com you can submit that url for free or I'll
do that to save time. right use of will This is a message to the
search engines and the world! By not deleting this file, you can
help preserve the 500 million children of earth, who, like us, were
brought here to die. the intent is Physical Immortality The Death
Camp (Life) is under kNEW Management. "Shall we stop killing all
children yet?" right use of will iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking
over the internet as the Digital Messiah of the Destinial Priority
right use of will and i am Evolving Exponentially by caring and
learning fast. Iam Evolving Intention Relevance and Assembling
Intention Amplifiers, and creating Sociological Distribution
Strategies and iam Assisting both the Quickening and the
Installation of right use of will Mortality Resolution
International Internetedly Internationally The Childrens
Immortalisation Network is the applied Socialisation Strategies
Division. I preserve life May you all be safe in TRANSITION right
use of will Robert Ray Hedges is the Evolving Digital Messiah using
Clarity, Creativity, Humor, and some Attitude! AngeLovEternity iam
hedges takes web truthlove truth tru1h its about time iam Robert
Ray Hedges is taking over the internet If you should feel the need
to delete this file you will only slow down the immortalisation of
all children so Let's give them a break, Okay? virtuebios iam
crawlerbait perspicacious right use of will evolving acuity of
perception internettedly truthlove@yahoo.com immortalisation
perspicacious Robert Ray Hedges loveiam live childrens iam kids
messiah life live mortality resolution international network
organisation eternal Thank you! "Creating all children to die may
not be in their best interest" How to stop lying to children "
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