View the New Paradigm: then, PLEASE, begin to
help us!
Truth Love Clarity Mandatory Immortality
Robert Ray Hedges
May 4, 2008 @ 9 hours into the "Morning"!
Letting people die kills them & us. Do
you want to continue your inherited denied unsensed suicide and do
you want to continue being an advertisement for suicide in the
inherited lemming march to the cliff? Children do imitate and
emulate aDULLts in this our Crematoria psychical modality inertial
prime behavioural Modality MthrFker sponsored Death Camp State Park
psy habituacious terminallitus, massively rationalized, so,
therefore, CONTINUED!
Some Other Person
May 4, 2008 @ 9.06 hours in the Morning (slightly
Like Hitler playing a violin at the death
camp gate, smiling at the Jews; Mommy smiles at her baby, what's
the difference. You think your own slow motion of your own abortion
of your own self is "natural" so, therefore you continue it
because, if you stop, other suicidals near you get nervous.
CopyRightAway, modify in your own truthful
words, please retain "my" original keywords and their density of
occurance, please!
Then upload your original content (evolve my templates by creating
slight wording modification while retaining the psychical theme of
truth love clarity and Immortality) html code page to a server
(preferable where I have no content yet) to build credibility with
crawlers bots and gain algorithmic status in google yahoo msn
searches (
as the "anchor text", links @ many different locations in the
world, update often dynamic websites, stay on topic so no "spam",
make interesting with nice pictures with keywords in the file
names, please come more conscious; solve death in steps.)